

About us

Kelda Film is an individual enterprise specialising in media technology and motion pictures, located in Szeged, Hungary. Our services cover several segments of film making. During our work we always strive towards perfection, our mentality characterized with undiminished passion and maximalism. We have participated in several local and international competitions, winning two first prizes.


Dávid Kelcz
media technologist and technician
freelancer videographer

I have been interested in making motion pictures since I was a child, when my best friend and I built a TV studio from Lego. In High School, I already specialised in media then I graduated as media technologist at the University of Szeged in 2013. After I spent a year at the music conservatory I started my University studies in History and Media Communication. I graduated there in the Summer of 2018.

My interest in music and film making complement each other well. I think I have a good sense to find the appropriate music for the videos that can provide extra content at the upshot. I always endeavor to create something unique and artistic. I love to show feelings thus I often record close shots about faces even on events (e.g. weddings) or directed scenes.

I have been dealing with various parts of creating motion pictures for over 10 years. My interest and enthusiasm about my profession did not decrease during the past years. Whatever the task is, I always try to give my best.



Experience & Awards

  • Summer 2012

    Work experience with scholarship in the UK

    Erasmus program

    I spent a two-month long traineeship via Erasmus Program at Sangat Television in Birmingham, United Kingdom. I got a comprehensive experience in working at a television. Sangat TV worked together with the local crew of BBC several times during outside shootings so I worked under their instructions on these occasions.

  • April 2015

    Video of the year 2014 prize

    Hungarian Universities and Colleges Press Association

    Our music video made for the song ’Lonely Waltz’ won the ’Video of the year 2014’ prize on a nationwide competition announced by Hungarian Universities and Colleges Press Association.

  • Spring 2017

    Dating in 2025

    European Commission

    Our work was shortlisted on the European Union-wide competition called ’Digital Tomorrow’, announced by the European Commission. The task was to imagine the connection between technology and people in 2025.

  • 2018. tavasz

    Wreckless heart

    Glen Hansard & ANTI- Records

    Glen Hansard, Academy Award winner Irish songwriter and his label announced a worldwide music video competition in 2018. The competitor had to make a video for Hansard’s song ’Wreckless Heart’. Our entry was shortlisted and published on Hansard’s official website.





Dávid Kelcz

media technologist and technician

freelancer film maker


HU +36 30 466 98 23


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